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Redeemer Hudson is an English-speaking church serving neighborhoods along the Hudson River, from Edgewater in the north to the Jersey City Heights in the south.

160 19th St. Union City, NJ
Parking Guide


"I love the family-like atmosphere. I also appreciate Pastor Reed's knowledge of the Bible and his quirky sense of humor."


"Redeemer Hudson is a great church community, full of kind, warm people who gather to earnestly sing and pray to God, and learn together about how to follow God more closely in their daily lives."


"One of my favorite things about Redeemer Hudson is that it feels like a family. It's a church where my husband and I and our kids feel known, loved, and prayed for."

Sermon Series

Life of Abraham

God is a God who makes promises, and Abraham was a man who believed. Through a series of promises and tests, Abraham goes from a man filled with fear to a man fully dependent on the provision of God. Abraham's life is a demonstration of the goodness of God and the power of faith. Join us this fall as we study his life and learn what it means to trust the Lord.

Life of Abraham